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David Carson is one of my heroes and it was a dream come true to bring him to Barcelona!

One of the design greats who has impacted my style choices!

Legend. Hero. Innovator. No boundaries. Creative. These are just a few of the words that can describe one of the design greats who has impacted my style choices.

To bring David Carson to Barcelona and speak at ESdesign was truly an honor. To see a full house, with standing room only in the auditorium at ESdesign, was a small representation of the impact David has had on the global design community.

I have been a fan of his since the Raygun days, and how he has challenged conservative corporations to think about their products differently has shown me that anything is possible.

David spent two hours sharing his work, and a series of blunt advice to the students of Esdesign. “Ignore the grid lines and do something interesting to you” is the one piece that always stays present.

David also spent another hour after, meeting every person who stayed behind for fotos, autographs or just to chat. One attendee had the premiere copy of Raygun Magazine in pristine condition!

Thanks to ESdesign School Barcelona for being a fantabulous host for David! More to come!!

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@ 2018, by Dot Lung
Design by Sofia, code by Vool.Studio